3 am knows all my secrets
I began this crazy journey of waking up for 3 am meditations around 3 years ago after contemplating on Rumi’s quote, “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you, do not go back to sleep.”
As crazy as it sounds, I was deeply called to this practice that I could not escape from it. I realised the significance as I learned more about the am meditations, 3 am is roughly a time known as the “Creator’s hour” in esoteric teachings. It’s the hour of deep silence, so deep and alluring. An invitation for total immersion in self-awareness through the entranced passage into the void of nothingness where every little breath merges into infinite layers of consciousness.
There is a saying, once we step into alignment with the cosmic flow, the universe will conspire to bring everything we need into our awareness and attention in ways that we cannot comprehend and the only thing required is trust in ourselves and follow the signs.
And having trust within has been the biggest challenge on my soul journey as trust requires unwavering faith in ourselves to unlock the inner wisdom.
You see, inner wisdom is not some kind of a woo woo, fluffy idea or a belief, its in the core of creation and existence, available for all. Sadly, we became distant and disconnected collectively from inner wisdom, the very thing that makes us unique and powerful.
In order to unlock inner wisdom, we must activate our intuition, practice listening to our gut feelings and we must go back to silence. We must train our primal desires with the direct confrontation of silence. We must retreat in stillness.
In silence, we hear our soul speak.
Love and Courage