Corona Survival Tool-kit

Susan Guner
3 min readMar 21, 2020

So here we are, all of us together in this unprecedented situation. Our lives shifted in the ways we couldn’t have predicted. We’ve found ourselves emotionally charged with fear, anxiety and uncertainty.

No matter what journey you’re on right now, I want you to know that hard times breed courage and grace, out of crises we can emerge stronger and we are all in this together.

We’ve been prepared for this in the last decade. Think about the spiritual journey we’ve been on individually and collectively whether we are aware of it or not. Each and every one of us had extraordinary experiences especially the last year as some of us were forced to walk through the fire with all kinds of unexpected moments of the chaos unfolding in our lives and some of us went into the fire seeking ways to crack the code of illusion of the perception.

Either way, we’ve been called to inner work to expand in our awareness so that we can begin to make conscious choices to do our part to be a good human being for ourselves, for the people, for the planet.

We are on the verge of a new order, a new way of life, a new way of being. Here’s a list of tools I’ve put together that I’m practicing daily to keep my mind-body-soul in check.

Mind — the mindset plays a huge role in times of uncertainty, this is an opportunity to eliminate unnecessary mental overload.

✅ cut down your media consumption, avoid engaging in the blown out of proportion news, conversations and other people’s negative opinions

✅ stop sharing and circulating content that you are not sure of its source and reliability, do not add to the fear by taking responsibility of what you are sharing

✅ Meditation is crucial, it must be practiced daily, no fancy distraction, just sit in silence with yourself and breathe

✅ Start reading a book daily or make it a priority to keep reading daily

✅ Lead those around you with inspiration and support, the more we help others, the more we help ourselves. Especially while social distancing, connect virtually with others, let’s use social media for a good cause

✅ Practice box breathing or breathwork that works for you

✅ Take cold showers

✅ Journal daily even it’s for a few minutes

Body — nourish your body with all-natural nutrition and movement.

✅ keep the body moving even if it’s 10 mins stretching, sun salutations, spinal move or yoga, get creative

✅ Do 25 burpees

✅ Eat real food, veg and fruit

✅ Intermittent fast daily at least until noon

✅ Stay hydrated

✅ Boost your immune with natural supplements

✅ Get plenty of rest and sleep

Soul — feed your soul with positive vibes from the beginning to the end of your day.

✅ incorporate prayer into your life as prayer is the communication with the universe.

✅ Retreat in solitude as much as you can

✅ Positive affirmations

✅ Drink lots of natural herbal tea

✅ Light a candle

✅ Listen to calm music

✅ Watch a stand-up comedy

Above all, remember to keep calm, with inner trust, all is possible.

Love and Gratitude



Susan Guner
Susan Guner

Written by Susan Guner

Holistic Psychotherapist | Host of Psychedelic Conversations Podcast | RESET Microdosing Integration Program

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