“Only if we understand, we will care. Only if we care, we will help. Only if we help shall all be saved.”
Everything is a thought process, with thoughts, we shape our world, and our thoughts are the result of our perception. There is no reality other than what is perceived. Perception simply is awareness, comprehension, conception, and understanding of something. There has been an ongoing argument between psychologists to answer the question, “Is perception innate?” This phenomenon is believed to be partly innate (nature) and partly developed (nurture), and sometimes nurture is a hostile state for children due to hostile maternal rearing.
Humans are hardwired to be attached emotionally, and impaired attachment experience in early life causes disconnection from the self. Children who experienced attachment disorder, always live in fear and hypervigilance which results in many psychological and physiological illnesses and complications during childhood and later in adult life. According to the world health organization, 1 in 10 children diagnosed with a behavioral disorder such as depressive symptoms, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), learning disorders, ASD (autism spectrum disorder), conduct disorder, and many other anxiety disorders. We have an innate need of belonging and most of the time, as children we look outside to fulfill our sense of belonging if we are not getting this at home. According to evolutionary psychology, people today still seek the trait that made survival possible just like the mentality of the stone age hunter-gatherers.
Mental suffering comes from childhood and early life experiences shape our perception, which becomes our default setting and every choice made based on the childhood blueprint has infinite consequences and an impact on our biology, well-being, and spirit. There is a lot of evidence that emotional trauma is passed on through generations and according to research, over 70% of the mental and physical illnesses are the result of our childhood experiences. What if our parents did not know how to love themselves? Where does one get exposure to what is known as the healthy relationship with the self? What if we are the victim of a victim? Does that mean we are doomed?
Self-awareness is a big word, and most of the time it makes no sense to many people. Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual and having a clear perception of our essence. There are many ways in which we can become self-aware as understanding the origins of suffering is the key and adopting tools and methods are the best way to move through challenges, release limiting beliefs and become an observer of life. Self-awareness is undertaking a hero’s journey into our deep unconscious to uncover the layers of self-illusion and the path to awakening is the dissolution of the perceived self.
How do you define awakening?
Love and Gratitude.