Dark Night Of The Soul
“Suddenly you’re a ripped into being alive. And life is pain, life is suffering, life is horror, but my God you’re alive and it’s spectacular!”
As we become more and more aware, a strange phenomenon starts happening. Our witnessing self increases in integrity and expands becoming stronger and stronger. A process of self-examination begins, a major cleansing that rids the psyche of useless self-concepts, belief systems which then turns into an existential crisis. Intense doubt in everything we’ve known to be true. Our sense of reality dissolves and deep understanding of illusion emerges as we fall on our knees, we become one with the infinite valley of the void where letting go of the attachments are no longer a choice.
In mythological terms, Dark Night of the Soul is a journey into the Underworld where difficult trials must be completed before returning with a newfound meaning, purpose and a huge responsibility. Surviving the dark night of the soul is a mental paradigm-shattering process and suddenly we realise that the ability to fall apart and come back is a real strength in the face of suffering with scars like badges of honour. We’ve been fire tested, initiated and connected to something much greater than us, only to do it over and over again! Each time returning with new wisdom, tuning into the flow of the cosmic orchestra.
Love and Courage.